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Further Information


For further information please contact Rachel Georgiou at or Amy Davenpot at


Alternatively call +44 800 158 35 35 and ask to speak to a member of the EASYCareHealth team

Our vision

We will develop systems to identify threats to health, independence and well-being of older people and mobilise a response based on the priorities of the older person and their families.


Older people are an asset, by improving their health, independence and well-being, we will strengthen their families and communities, by helping to create sustainable systems of care.

Our mission


To improve the lives and well-being of older people throughout the world.


The approach


The EC Health Method has been refined through a rigorous process of development and evaluation since 1989, and now involves partners in more than 40 poor, middle-income and rich countries throughout the world.


It consists of a standardised assessment instrument which covers 49 threats to health, independence and well-being across seven domains:

o Communication;

o Looking after yourself;

o Your mobility

o Safety and relationships;

o Accommodation and finance;

o Staying healthy;

o Your mental health and well-being.


Supplementary assessment instruments are available to capture additional information in areas such as carer needs and impact, housing and skin health.


Concerns are summarised and actions are agreed based on the priorities of the older person and their family and a locally-adapted directory of resources is accessed. A score is generated for overall level of independence.

Follow-up appointments are undertaken to ascertain outcomes post assessment.


An electronic platform is used for collecting assessment information, sharing within the health care system and extracting anonymised summary information about needs and outcomes, for analysis in a global database.

Next phase 2015-20

o EC Health standard assessment instrument has been updated from the 2010 version and will be used for the next five years.


o Authorised use will be licensed by EC Health Limited (a not-for-profit social enterprise). Authorised use will include a requirement for assessors to be trained and to share anonymised summary information.


o Research and development work will focus on impact evaluation, population studies and the development and use of a summary score for well-being.


o Established an International advisory committee to oversee implementation


o Implementation plans have been developed for China, South-East Asia, India, the Middle East (Turkey and Iran) European Union states, USA and Central America.


A small number of “gold” sponsors are providing grant support, and expertise to EC Health. EC Health will work with policy, practice, advocacy, research and industry leads through joint venture projects which support the mission to improve the lives of older people throughout the world.

Address:                                                                                      Email:                                          Tel:

C/O Health Exchange CIC, Office 2.06 Enterprise Centre                             0121 663 0007

1 Hedingham Grove, Chelmunds Cross

Chelmsley Wood. B37 7TP

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