Brussels blog part 2
Our Brussels Summit finished today. A global coalition has been formed to improve uptake of vaccines in older people to promote healthy ageing. EASYCare Health will play its part. After my presentation, everyone at the meeting said they would like to join forces with us in some way, as collaboration partners, sponsors, advisors or simply as friends. The vaccines mission will have a strong regional dimension for supporting delivery, on same same footprint as is EASYCare Health.
I envisage having some joint meetings, including expanding the Costa Rica meeting and doing something at an EU level, to include colleagues who are keen to do EASYCare pilot studies in Mexico, Brazil, France, Spain and Austria. At a global level, we will work with colleagues from the International Council of Nursing (based in Geneva), the WHO collaborating Centre for Preventive Care in Old Age (based in Lyon, France) and will build on our longstanding collaboration with Pfizer and the International Federation on Aging.
I think we can handle this as we will be able to work strategically, rather than through piecemeal initiatives. I attach a picture of this wonderful group. The only downside from the meeting for me was eating too much Brussels fare, which was not good for my sleep, cholesterol or waistline!