New Partnerships for the EASYCare Health
There has been a tremendous acceleration of partnership working in the EASYCare Project in the last three months in sectors as diverse as...
EASYCare and Community Nursing
Of all health professionals, community nurses spend the highest proportion of their time working with older people and are the most...
Brussels blog part 2
Our Brussels Summit finished today. A global coalition has been formed to improve uptake of vaccines in older people to promote healthy...
A blog from Brussels
I have had the pleasure of participating in a summit for promoting healthy ageing through increasing uptake of vaccination in older...
Further message from Thailand
We held our EASYCareHealth seminar today at the IAGG Asia/Ociania Conference. It was so well attended there was standing room only by the...
Blog from Thailand
Blog from Thailand "After a journey of 24 hours, I spent the day at the Asia Oceania 10th International Association of Geriatrics and...
My first EASYCareHealth blog
I am excited and a bit overwhelmed about what to put in my first EASYCareHealth blog. The challenge is to summarise a life’s work, and...